our location
Ambu Tatto Studio,
Karumoorivari Street.
Veerabadra Cloth shop opp
TELEPHONE:+91 988 530 1306
FAX:+91 988 530 1306
E-MAIL: Services@ambutattoo.COM
Contact Form
Our Future Branches
Ambu tattoo studio.
Ambu tattoo studio.
Ambu tattoo studio.
Ambu tattoo studio.
Ambu tattoo studio.
We cater to the first timer, the longtime collector, someone looking for a tattoo coverup, and everyone in between.
Get pierced by the pros in a safe and comfortable setting. With the highest standards in sanitization.
You don’t have to live with bad ink, be it a botched job, the name of your ex, or a passing fad that you swore you’d love forever.